CDC Group Leader's
Today, Donna and I had the start of a new series of monthly Senior Officer Briefings for Opposition Group Leaders. A few days ago, I was asked for agenda items so I requested the inclusion of the Peninsula's car parks; this proved fortuitous because, this morning, every District Councillor on the Peninsula received an email asking their views but making it clear there was little choice after the Prime Minister's announcement. We were the only Peninsula Councillors to object so were sadly outnumbered. We have been assured that Officers will be closely monitoring what happens and following our expressing our concerns, are considering the best way forward before opening Selsey's.
There were updates on services, including business grants, emergency home moves to reduce numbers in temporary accommodation, and using more digital methods to advertise planning matters.
The Government wants Local Planning Authorities to progress their Local Plans and are looking at how virtual methods can be used to facilitate things. Donna will soon have a Development Planning and Infrastructure Panel meeting to review progress on the next Local Plan.
Like us, they feel we will be in a different world after this. Officers have formed a group to look at safely reopening the City (and our Towns) including safe movement, queuing, car park access and pop-up cycle lanes.
Initial thoughts are being given to a District Recovery Plan, which will begin its development through the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and will understandably look at short, medium and long term considerations to do with organisation, the District economy, our communities and health / environment. Clearly there are statutory things District has to do, as well as discretionary ones.
We have the Annual Council Meeting on Tuesday afternoon via Zoom so we will blog out what happens as quickly as we are able (In March it lasted nearly five hours and left us a little drained!)
As always, stay safe and please get in touch if we can be of any help.
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