Meeting our MP

Today is one year since you put your trust in, and elected, us. As a thank you, we are hoping to replace this website with one that is more visual and simpler to navigate. If all goes to plan, this will be a crossover post because I am working on the new site in between virtually teaching and the range of different meetings I am taking part in. They have made me pretty experienced in all three main platforms because CDC uses Zoom, school uses Microsoft Teams and we use Google Meet because of its security and reliability.

This week Donna and I had two (virtual) meetings, on Thursday we were guests of the Manhood Peninsula Action Group and were invited to ‘listen in’ on their meeting and on Friday we had a District Councillor Opposition Group meeting with our MP, Gillian Keegan.

On Thursday, the Manhood Peninsula Action Group discussed possible improvements to the A27 and flood risk. We shared with them the latest flood risk map from the Environment Agency which allows you to zoom in to see how much at risk your postcode is. These updated flood maps are very important for the future of the Manhood.

On Friday morning we met, along with 14 other Opposition District Councillors, with Gillian Keegan our MP; Zoom was a bit creaky at the start and half of our ‘slot’ was unfortunately lost - this left little time for questions.

Gillian began by talking about what led to the lockdown and what steps have been taken during it. We understood her to emphasise, when it comes to easing things, the need for caution - social distancing is here for some time to come. She is the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Apprenticeships and Skills so she also talked about scenario modelling for schools, concern about students who might get left behind, and the roll-out of computers to some of our more vulnerable learners.

In terms of the next District Local Plan, Gillian explained that the pandemic is leading the Government to keep timescales under review. Several Districts are lobbying for more time, Chichester has previously requested this.

Donna asked whether the National Planning Policy Framework would be updated to reflect the flood risk map we linked above. There is an issue in that although the Environment Agency informs the flood risk, the NPPF details the planning policies we are required to follow. Gillian mentioned nitrates and recognised the challenge we have meeting our quota with flood plains, including parts of our District’s proximity to the River Lavant, and the impact of the National Park on land availability.

In regards to roads, Gillian said she was sure the coronavirus would impact on how we work and that it would particularly impact on commuting. Like us, she has noticed how much better air quality has become since lockdown. She hoped there might be some finance for local mitigation if a large scale improvement to the A27 were not to be shortlisted.

As always, stay safe.

