Is it Summer?

Summer seems to have disappeared for now, so I expect, like me, you are cheering yourself with fond memories of last year until the weather improves. Donna and I love the Isle of Wight so we took severa trips from Southampton to Cowes and strolled up to Osborne House for lunch. We also had a short break before I went back to school, taking the car, and before sailing back looked from the Bembridge Lifeboat Station to see how much of the Peninsula and Chichester Harbour we could see.

Away from fond memories, it's been another busy week; with Half Term over, I am back to virtual teaching, phoning parents and scrupulously checking submitted grades as deadlines are imminent. Selsey Town Council tested Zoom, for a small meeting on Wednesday evening and, during the day, Donna had CDC's Planning Committee. I spoke in support of an application for a local business and we were pleased that it was deferred to allow more time to work with Officers on landscaping proposals so hopefully it will finally succeed. 

You may have heard that CDC are launching a campaign, in association with the Chichester and Midhurst and Petworth Observer, to encourage residents to shop local and support their local businesses. This is part of a package of support designed to help local businesses to reopen in line with the government’s recovery plan. You can click here to download a poster to display in your window to show your support for local businesses..CDC's economic development team have also been in touch with local businesses to offer support if they are planning to reopen. The government has provided detailed guidance here. 

CDC are launching the next stage of the business rate grant scheme. £1.8 million of government funding is now available to support small businesses in our District, which were previously outside the scope of the business grant funds scheme. Details of this additional funding aimed can be found here.

Parking charges resume in CDC's car parks from Monday, but there will still be free car parking for NHS and social care workers in Northgate car park, Chichester until April 2021: There will also be free parking for the next three months at the Avenue de Chartres multi-storey every Saturday and Sunday, and one hour’s free parking when purchasing two hours if you use the MiPermit app in any car park except Westgate Leisure Centre and Avenue de Chartres. Parking machines and equipment will be cleaned and sanitised more regularly but we suggest you avoid touching them by purchasing season tickets, using the MiPermit app or paying contactlessly.

As always, stay safe.

