Sussex Day

There is quite a lot going on at the moment so, whilst that continues, we hope to update you on Mondays or Tuesdays as well as Fridays.

Over the weekend, amongst other things, we filmed a contribution Donna was asked to make to a forthcoming promotional video to help encourage us all to #keepitlocal. Yesterday, as it was a term time Monday, I had my regular meeting with my teaching team; Donna, meanwhile, was part of a Selsey Town Council delegation that met the new management of Bunn Leisure. We both also had an update about progress with some ongoing work crystallising specific policy aspects in the next Local Plan.

Three links you may find useful are: -

Yesterday was World Elder Abuse Day. This can take many forms and is not always intentional; if you are concerned about an older person you can contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 01243 642121.

You may not have realised that today is Sussex Day. If you did, you may not have heard that the West Sussex Record Office and Screen Archive South East have joined together for a 10-week video series, West Sussex Unwrapped, which delves deep into our county's past. At least one of the films includes the Peninsula because it is a recording of the official launch of the Selsey lifeboat in 1937.

West Wittering has a strong connection to Sussex Day because it is St Richard's Day. He was Bishop of Chichester from 1244 until his death in 1253 and often visited there. Several miracles were attributed to him whilst he was alive, and his remains were said to have healing powers. In 1538, during the reign of Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell ordered his shrine destroyed and the relics brought to the Tower of London; however, some or all of them, are believed to have been spirited away to the parish church of St Peter and St Paul. 

As always, stay safe

