The Best Background

Can you beat this background for virtual meetings? I have used blurring, a fake classroom and tried the bookcase look, but I don’t think anyone could find anything much better than this. Colleagues from my school, and students, seem to agree.

As “the six weeks of summer” are nearly with us, a couple of local stories you might have missed concerned a weed problem Covid-19 is causing along the length of the canal because there have been fewer boat movements and a receptionist at Birdham Primary School, who lives in East Wittering, was honoured by the Royal Humane Society for assisting a 92-year-old driver who suffered a heart attack.

Like me, I suspect you may find it interesting to learn that two thirds of new cases in West Sussex recently seem to have been at the opposite end of the county from us, namely in Crawley. Our District seems to be second only to Adur in having the lowest figures.

We all value our local businesses, so if you run one of them as well as being assured of our continued support, you may be interested in the “Recovery Advice for Business” scheme which is supported by the Government: it  gives you free, one-to-one advice with an expert adviser - more details can be found here.

West Sussex County Council also have a dedicated area on their website for businesses - click here to go to it - and, as we have shared with you before, so do Chichester District Council. In addition, you might also find the latest edition of their Initiatives magazine helpful.

At the weekend, Donna and I were advising a local business; there is massive reliance these days on social media to ‘get the message out there’ - remember  you can also use local publications.

Economic recovery is very much in our thoughts at the moment; yesterday Donna chaired a meeting of Selsey Town Council’s Economy & Tourism Working Group and next Tuesday we are proposing to CDC that the Peninsula has its own High Street Recovery Group similar to Chichester.   If you wish to ask a question at the meeting, click here to learn more.

As always, stay safe.  

