Half gone already

The “Six Weeks of Summer” are half gone already. Some of you will welcome their end, others will not. Either way, the advice on how to enjoy yourself safely outside is still a useful read.I also came across this new Government coronavirus data dashboard with easy to understand charts you may, like me, find quite useful. There is also the weekly West Sussex report as well

Are you marking #VJDay75 on Saturday? Similarly to the 75th anniversary of VE Day in May, there is a website of resources you can use to help you do so.The Royal British Legion have also gathered stories from survivors, produced an interactive map and put together other useful information about it here.

Southern Water would like us to share with you their Covid-19 website and this advice on how we can all try to #ReduceYourUse and give nature a helping hand by taking simple steps to lower our water consumption.The recent hot weather has added to the increased domestic consumption caused by Covid-19 and meant that in some areas they are facing challenges ensuring all customers’ supplies keep flowing.They have been using tankers to top up their networks and have also sent texts to customers most at risk of an interruption in their supply.

Donna and I have scaled things back as far as we are able to because her Cared For went into Respite on Monday for a short break. This is the first time off we have had since January except for a 20-hour stretch in February Half Term when we had a night away at Langstone Quays on Hayling Island. However the world keeps spinning and today, Donna had CDC’s Planning Committee at which we both spoke in favour of the revised marquee application from Selsey Golf and Country Club, and I thanked Planning Officers for their work with the applicant and myself to ensure it was permitted. I am sure this was a great relief for them as they first tried to secure permission in 2014.

As always, stay safe

