Starting to fade
We’re reaching the stage now when the summer is starting to seem a distant memory. The better weather helps a bit, but even so...
Schools are truly back now. At mine, we have been finalising arrangements for every eventuality and I have become used to a sea of face coverings in the corridors, and increasingly in lessons as well.
Apologies if we do not manage to get our weekly posts out on Fridays for a while: in addition to my previous ‘physical’ workload in school, I need the first half of the weekend to plan, prepare and set remote work for the coming week for students who are not in.
Anyway, did you read the news about the Second World War explosive detonated in Selsey this week?
The Argus kindly ran the story. Incidents like this are not so uncommon here because of the key role our area played during World War Two. Having said that, one of the main ongoing local news topics remains the proposed changes to the planning system (see our last post) and concerns about their impact on our area. Several West Sussex MPs have been voicing concerns. A motion has been put forward for the next Full District Council on September 22nd concerning this.
This coming week there is a briefing for parishes about the changes from CDC’s Officers about the planning changes. In addition, at least one local parish (Selsey Town Council on Wednesday) is agreeing its response before the consultation ends.
This morning I was advised that Public Health England have produced a free downloadable toolkit to simplify things for businesses in regards to NHS Test and Trace.
Finally a few quick things to pass on: -
If you are looking for care for your dog, or thinking of buying a puppy please make sure you use someone licensed - check them out here;
There’s also some advice on responsible dog walking in the countryside here;
You can read the latest South Downs News on any device by clicking here;
Lastly, a new sculpture trail is bringing stories of South Downs’ heaths to life;
As always, stay safe
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