Another bite at the cherry?


It's Half Term but our meetings don't stop; however, the special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday is taking stock of CDC's recovery measures, and I have an opportunity to speak out for the 75% of our District that is not in the City. The Constitution does not allow Donna and I to bring back our proposal for an additional Recovery Group for the Peninsula at the moment, so this is a chance for me to argue again that more needs to be done to support our High Streets, small businesses and the people who work for them. 

Children on free school meals are high in many people's thoughts this week as they could be going hungry. If you have children at school, you will know these are not a separate group, they are your children's friends. They may come round often, so the prospect of finding out they are only eating, at most, once a day may horrify you. If we can help, don't hesitate to get in touch. If you prefer more anonymity, this website might help

This week Donna learnt that a significant number of calls to the police from Selsey concern domestic violence. If you are affected by this, please reach out for help to someone like My Sister's House in Bognor. They are bringing the Stronger Futures peer group back into their Centre, meeting face-to-face for the first time since March (with COVID-secure measures in place, of course.) The Zoom version of the group will still continue every Thursday 10am-11.30am. There are other organisations who can also help including Stop Domestic Abuse UK.

Finally; -

  • Proud to Care are running a Xmas/Seasonal Recruitment Campaign, after last year’s resulted in 14,673 visits to their websites They are once again promoting jobs in care to people who would normally be taking on other seasonal work or looking for a change in career;
  • Businesses can download “stay safe wear a mask signs for free here;
  • The Novium has a new exhibition from October 24th commemorating Chichester’s history as a market town called “The Livestock Markets of Chichester.” The Novium is completely free to enter. 

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

