The HELAA cometh
mentioned mince pies last week, so was not too surprised when I received an
email about pop-up Christmas shops: if you fancy running one this year you can
apply for the two CDC are making available in Crane Street, Chichester.
Applications close on October 19 with the hope that the successful applicants
can start trading from November 1 for up to 12 weeks. The rent of £50 per week
plus VAT includes rates and utilities. To find out more click here and then expand the “Pop Up Shop Initiative” section.
You may have heard this week that two CDC Members have left the ruling Conservative group, something that changes the calculations on Committee numbers; this is in its earliest stages so once we know more we will let you know.
The bigger news is that the new Housing and Economic Land Area Availability Assessment (HELAA) is being made public on CDC’s website on Monday, we understand. As Members, we have already been sent copies; we aren’t allowed to divulge any part of its contents until it is in the public domain; however, Donna and I suggest you take the time to look at it, and consider the wider impact beyond the immediate area near to where you live. Traffic levels on local routes are heavily impacted by the total number of people using them wherever their journey originates from; flood risk can also be affected by how much development takes place in your more general neck of the woods. The previous 2018 HELAA is available here - we are presuming the new HELAA will replace it, but suggest if it does not you search for “HELAA” at the top of the page.
Finally this coming week sees various parish meetings (check your own's website for details), plus Donna has Planning at CDC and governor meetings for the hospital trust, while I have the Strategic Risk Group on Monday immediately afterschool..
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