4 Weeks..
Have you walked the City walls? I started doing so when the shops reopened earlier this year, whilst the family were shopping. As non-essential retail reopens this week, and we move into Tier 2, I expect to be doing it again soon, even though it will be a colder and less clement experience
We all want to support our local businesses as much as possible in the run up to Christmas. To help businesses take part in their Support Local campaign CDC have created a marketing pack, which includes social media graphics, a digital Facebook profile frame, a digital poster, a Christmas gift tag design to use in point of sale and window displays, and Christmas gift tag designs and printed tags which can be given to customers. They are personalised by area, so, for example, CDC and STC have been publicising the Shop Local in Selsey campaign. It goes without saying that we wish all of our Traders, across the whole District, a successful run up to Christmas in these extraordinary times.
It’s been a busy week: Donna and I had Full Council at CDC and, along with several other District and County Councillors, observed a Manhood Peninsula Action Group meeting. I also had Corporate Governance and Audit, an additional Overview & Scrutiny because we ran out of time last week and the Organisational Recovery Team. Donna, meanwhile, had something nearly every day related to Selsey Town Council. I also discovered that I have a namesake in Hunston, so if you are that Tim Johnson, or know him, feel free to get in touch in case we are distant relatives.
If you had not realised, routine weekly testing for domiciliary care workers who work for registered CQC services supporting people in their own home has begun. All providers of registered home care services should be aware of this guidance. Testing will be extended shortly to all homecare workers in adult social care, including unregistered organisations, live-in carers, and personal assistants.
You can now learn in full about “Making a Christmas bubble with friends and family. Don't forget until then the Local Restrictions apply when you travel out of this area: if you visit Tier 1 Isle of Wight, for example, you still have to obey Tier 2 rules on mixing indoors, and if you travel through Tier 3 Kent you are advised to not stop.
Finally, some shopping advice from West Sussex recycles: -
- If
you enjoy shopping and get carried away with bargains, make a list
beforehand of what you need and who you will be buying for, then only buy
things that are on it;
- Do
you need to buy the new Christmas gimmick? Have a look first at what you
have, and the gimmicks you bought years before (selfie stick, fake beards)
and ask yourself "do they still get used?".
- If you have a big family could you do a Secret Santa so you only purchase for one member instead of everyone buying for everyone. You would save money and have fun guessing who has given each gift.
As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.
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