time for tea
Last weekend, because of the interest expressed to us about how vaccinations are going locally, we monitored things in Selsey and Tangmere with the help of our Team and your feedback. Regular readers will know each week we are sharing the most recent County vaccination update. We understand further sites in our area, including Chichester, are being considered.
“Manhood” is thought to derive from the Anglo-Saxon maene-wudu meaning 'common wood.,' so, as a Peninsulan, I am pleased CDC are one of five English authorities taking part in a new £2.5m tree planting project with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA.) The Subsidised Tree Planting pilot scheme looks to help tackle climate change and boost biodiversity by establishing novel ways to increase tree planting in cities, towns and countryside. Other partners in it include the Tree Council, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, the Forestry Commission, Natural England, Highways England and Network Rail..
This is in addition to the 100 plus trees Selsey Town Council obtained from the Woodland Trust.
It has been a busy week, Donna had several parish (Selsey Town Council) meetings, we both had Full CDC and a briefing on the emerging Local Plan and another from Senior Officers, and I had the Corporate Governance & Audit Committee and a Budget meeting. Next week we have fewer meetings, but the casework is building up: Donna has more STC meetings, we have the “second half” of the Full CDC meeting and I have the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Finally, we approved on Tuesday to support people with hidden disabilities by recognising the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme and a Climate Change Action Plan, which includes actions to: -
- Deliver
measurable carbon reduction in new developments and through CDC’s operations;
- Source
funding for reduced carbon initiatives;
- Promote
lifestyle changes, such as energy reduction and using renewable energy
- Identify
opportunities for increased tree planting, and
- Promote sustainable transport.
As always from the whole Team, stay safe
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