A place to call Home


Are you worried about planning and the impact of over-development in your area? Many of us are and we are not alone. Other parts of West Sussex have concerns about their home areas too, as this article about one I spent part of my childhood in demonstrates. More locally, following a meeting which Donna attended, Selsey Town Council was able to ensure that residents’ concerns about a planning application and other issues re the holiday park were addressed. 

One of the local spots Donna and I like to frequent is Denmans Garden, so we were pleased to learn that the tale of its renaissance is going to be told online to raise money for the Sussex Snowdrop Trust. At this juncture, it seems appropriate to also share with you information about places opening in West Sussex as part of the National Garden Scheme 2021.

It has been another busy week in the WSCC campaign but the team has finished our first leaflet delivery. There has been some speculation about longer term home addresses. We are happy to confirm that Donna’s only residence, since 2003, has been the publicly available address in Selsey.

This coming Tuesday there is a moved forward Full CDC Annual Meeting, you can watch online here. The legislation to allow online meetings expires in May and with large venues in use as vaccination centres, CDC currently have nowhere we could physically meet in a sufficiently socially distanced manner.

And finally: -

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe

