Guest Who???


This week, we have happily lent our blog to the Scouts: if we can help you, or if you want to help us, get in touch.


What makes a Good Scout?

Is it being able to DYB, DYB, DYB or DOB, DOB, DOB? Or, maybe the ability to do bob a job? Maybe that’s what you think, but times have changed.

Do you have a young person in your house who likes trying different things, learning new skills & meeting new people? What about camping, caving, crafts, team building, fire-lighting, cooking, games, hiking, sleepovers, skill making, adventures, canoeing, map reading, caring, sharing and making new friends? 

Scouting is still aimed at young people between the ages of 6-25. However, the fun doesn’t have to stop when you become a grown up. If you feel “stuck in a rut,” have some unwanted time on your hands and are never too old to try something new, then maybe you should think about volunteering.

We are not only looking for people to run, or help run meetings. We need treasurers, secretaries, managers, tea makers, fixer uppers, and people who are helping make memories for our young people. Roles can be arranged to suit your availability and are subject to a DBS check: PLEASE GET IN TOUCH!
