Stormy Times


These are stormy times, in more than one sense of the word, as you will know if you keep an eye on the news. Meteorologically, weather conditions like those this past week (including the named storms) tend to make us want to stay indoors and hibernate.  However, in anticipation of when things improve, we thought you might be interested in: -

We told you last week about our first newsletter for a while  because of the pandemic. We have delayed our plans to deliver it because there are going to be a couple of by-elections on April 7th for Selsey Town Council.  Two of our members are leaving the Town Council, with one moving away and one retiring. We are hoping to announce our candidates next Friday.

8,020 trees have been distributed to residents, community groups, schools, landowners, and businesses across our District thanks to CDC’s free tree initiative. It is funded by HM Treasury’s Shared Outcomes Fund which aims to test different ways to increase tree cover in rural and urban areas. As part of this scheme people were invited to apply for free trees last summer and the council received more than 100 applications. 

In Selsey, 120 trees are being planted, extending the existing wildlife corridor from the adjacent Manor Park. Work is also underway to plant three mini urban forests — one in Selsey, one in Chichester, and one in Midhurst. A community orchard is also set to be planted along a footpath in Goodwood, and in the north of the District, two farms in Northchapel and Kirdford are also undertaking tree planting on their land.

A little short notice, but if you are free this Sunday afternoon, Mike Christie, one quarter of G4, their baritone singer, is concluding his Valentine's tour. Also, Ben Thapa will be back for a summer evening of entertainment on August 19th. (We are helping promote Ben, so will be able to share details earlier.)

As we head into March, you may want to check the calendars linked below because the meeting schedule appropriately gets a bit mad. This coming Thursday, March 3rd, many schools will be encouraging children to dress up as their favourite book character for World Book Day 2022. This is marked in more than a hundred countries around the globe, and is in its 25th year. It aims to inspire children and young people to discover the joy of picking up a book. 

Adults needn't miss out, as a new charity Read Easy is matching trained volunteers 1:1 with non or beginner readers. 

In West Sussex, food waste makes up a staggering 40% of the average household general waste bin. However, up to 70% of that waste can actually be avoided! Food Waste Action Week takes place from 7 to 13 March. The West Sussex Waste Partnership is tackling food waste through various trials and initiatives. It is also undertaking trials of separate food waste collections to further reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill.

If you have excess or leftover food you can find details on ways to share it and avoid it going to waste by visiting the Food Rescue campaign.

Finally: -

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

