Worth a million
Those of us worried about the scale of development on the greenbelt might welcome recent reports that a change to the Planning System may be on the way . It would make developers pay a levy for affordable housing to Councils rather than have to include a proportion in each new development. The hope is this will increase the number of affordable homes built but, of course, empowering Councils like CDC in this way might also lead to the redevelopment of more Brownfield sites (which tends to cost more than using undeveloped greenfield ones) depending on who your District Councillors are. In related news, you may have read that Cala Homes have bought a site near the A27 at Hambrook which already has permission for 118 homes. My daily commute reminds me that our District is one of the most beautiful places in the country. CDC spends over £1 million keeping it clean and tidy. Their street cleansing team can't be everywhere at once but do travel across it's 303 square mil...