Happy Easter


Happy Easter, everyone! We posted particular thanks yesterday for those carers out there, for whom the next four days are literally just another four days. We wanted them to know that we are thinking about them, and recognise all they do. For all the NHS staff, emergency service workers, and our shops, cafes and pubs who also can't just 'disappear,’ we thank you for being there for us as well. (I have two daughters working over the weekend so I know it also affects their families and their plans; meanwhile we have been helping residents this morning as Council Offices are closed over the weekend.)

I also want to thank a resident who got in touch during the recent STC by-election campaigns frustrated at the lack of action from a Councillor who represents a national party. I was happy to assist and was delighted when he got in touch again to tell me he had voted for our candidate in Selsey South, Dan Gregory, because he thought he would do something constructive for our community.

Dan proved him right because he ensured a local children's food charity had an Easter egg for every child they helped. Full Up provides meals for children who need it during the school holidays. Donna and I are happy to have helped with deliveries, and Trudy Glew, one of our STC Councillors, helps every holiday. They have seen a significant rise in demand over the last 6 months, and expect this to be even greater later in the year due to rises in energy costs. Our team on STC were privileged to be able to support them. This is their fundraising page. Food Banks across the country are also seeing a huge surge in demand, so if you are in a position to, you might want to consider donating to them.

It is a reflection of the financially challenging times we are suddenly living in that Haybox cooking, encouraged by the government in World War 2, is making a comeback as people struggle to find enough money to eat and heat. 

Around 20 million households in England in council tax bands A-D will get a £150 rebate from April to help with the cost of living. Second homes and empty properties are not eligible. If you qualify and currently pay by direct debit, then it will automatically be paid to you, and you do not need to do anything. CDC hopes to make payment within 14 days of your direct debit. They have published details on how to sign up, or how to get your rebate if you don’t. Councils will also receive an extra £144 million to provide support to vulnerable households who may not qualify for the £150 council tax rebate. This includes people on low incomes in council tax bands E-H. The details will shortly be released

In partnership with WSCC, CDC are also extending their Hardship Fund for another year, which means that everyone who receives council tax reduction and is of working age, will also receive a further £150. This has already been paid to those who are eligible and will be awarded automatically to any new eligible recipients throughout the year. CDC also has a range of support available to help you if you are struggling to pay your bills

CDC has also secured another round of Government funding to help residents install energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in their homes. The roll-out of this funding is currently being developed and more information will be available soon. Over a quarter of a million pounds of funding has already been awarded to residents in the Chichester District over the last two years to help make their homes more energy efficient.

This week I had the regular CDC Opposition Group Leaders briefing from their Senior Leadership Team, which covered a wide range of topics including the vulnerability of bin collections to the present  industrial action and contingency plans. Donna had a WSCC briefing and, with Val, Ian, Andy and Glenda, also had a meeting of STC’s Assets & Amenities Committee.

I learnt some interesting things this week: Chinese restaurants and takeaways close on Tuesdays because it has become a day to catch up on families and friends, Chichester is the most chilled-out city in the UK and the Chichester Festival Theatre was the idea of an optician.

Those of you worried about our disappearing Greenbelt, may be heartened by the news that a developer's outline planning application to build 140 houses on land between Lavant & Chichester (if you are unsure, in the same general neck of the woods as Goodwood racecourse and aerodrome) has been refused, for several reasons as you can read here

Have you ever watched an air display? If so, have you ever been to an air show, perhaps in Eastbourne or Bournemouth. We used to go before Covid. We found a great hotel with stunning views in Eastbourne but the weather can be a bit fluctuative so some years it was stunning, others cloudy. Bournemouth is generally more clement but its airshow often falls on my last weekend of Summer holidays, which creates a dilemma because Donna and I like to finish them with a few quiet days on the Isle of Wight before the madness starts again. (We were actually at the final Shoreham air show when that dreadful accident happened.) Wherever we have gone, we always enjoy the Red Arrows, so heads up they are at the Festival of Speed for three days this year.

On Wednesday there is a free business session aimed at start ups or those who've only been trading for 18 months. If you're looking for advice about starting a business, or developing it, this online event, in conjunction with WSCC and Nat West, may answer some questions.

It is your last chance to apply for temporary road closures for Platinum Jubilee street parties because the deadline for applications is 5pm this Wednesday. Further advice on organising a street party can be found here. Alternatively, the road can be kept open and you can organise a gathering or ‘Street Meet’ on private land, such as a driveway or front garden, without any requirement to fill in forms. 

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is set to be the country’s ‘biggest ever’ celebration. There are many ways you can get involved, including street parties, The Big Jubilee Lunch, beacon lighting and The Queen’s Green Canopy project, which encourages people to plant trees through to the end of the year. 

In regards to Ukraine, with over 50 days of war, WSCC are the lead authority on supporting people locally and are conducting Homes for Ukraine property inspections with the support of CDC. The government are working with three organisations for matching sponsors with guests: RESET, Refugees at Home and Citizens UK.

Finally: -

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

