We start thanking you once more for your interest in our blog, because of the comments, shares and likes after last week’s post. We are sure, like us, you wish the England team all the best, and the Welsh one too. We should also mention the USA team, as we have some readers across the pond. Coincidentally, England's Luke Shaw is a former student of my school so on Monday we had a rescheduled day, and over 2000 people watched their first match wherever they could settle in classrooms or corridors.
In our recent posts we have been trailing local Festive events - by the time most of you read this, the lights will be on in our District's shopping centres (I see Petworth’s as I drive home.) With Christmas fast approaching, please let others know that WSCC’s Holiday Activity & Food Programme is back.
If you are unsure about what an unheated room does to your body, this BBC report might be helpful.
WSCC have set up an online Ideas Bank for you to share your energy saving tips.
WSCC’s Community Safety team are supporting White Ribbon Day today which has fallen on the same week as the start of the men’s World Cup. The day aims to raise awareness of gender inequality and #TheGoal is that we all join together, to end violence against women and girls for good. Football is not responsible for domestic abuse. However, research shows that when England loses a World Cup game, incidents of domestic abuse increase by 38% and by 28% when they win.
There is no excuse for abuse. If you, or someone that you know is experiencing domestic abuse WORTH services are able to offer specialist support and advice on 0330 222 8181 Monday to Friday. In an emergency, call 999. The Domestic Abuse Act also recognises children as victims of domestic abuse in their own right. If you think a child is being harmed, abused or neglected, then you can report it online to the West Sussex Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
This week I learnt something new about electricity prices: as they are a commodity, the price is calculated from the most expensive source, namely gas; this is despite it being responsible for less than half of our generation. Wind is much cheaper and is already responsible for a fifth of our electricity generation - thank you to The Telegraph for this interesting read.
Lastly, as The Guardian reports while investigating the apps fighting food waste, if it were a country, it would be the third-highest greenhouse-gas emitting nation behind the US and China, because 40% of all food grown goes uneaten. Considering global hunger, that is quite staggering.
Donna is often asked by residents and visitors about the Pavillion in Selsey High Street. She has been watching developments over a long period of time and believes the Pavillion Trust has been working very hard 'behind the scenes ' (no pun intended!) If you're interested in the potential restoration of this wonderful, unique building, please click here.
If you are looking for Christmas gift ideas, please think about keeping it local. You will be able to buy locally sourced, festive goods at the popular Chichester Farmers’ Markets in December. The market will take place as usual on Friday 2 December, and on Friday 16 December, when it will move to the Cattle Market car park for that date only.
Residents are also being advised that traders who are part of the Wednesday General Market have decided to operate on just one date in December — Saturday 24 December in the city centre. The regular Saturday traders’ market and Sunday car boot sale will continue to operate at the Cattle Market car park as usual.
After a short break over Christmas, the next Chichester Farmers’ Market will take place in its usual location in East Street and North Street on 20 January 2023. This will be the only Chichester Farmers’ market taking place in January 2023
Tuesday was Full CDC. I was reminded about how small a world it actually is that morning when I was teaching a Year 7 class about the World War 2 Code breakers at Bletchley Park; a girl proudly told me her grandmother had been one of them.
There were two tied votes at the Full CDC on Tuesday. The first was over variation of the Boundary Commission’s new Chichester constituency proposals over how to retain more of the North of our District in it, the second over making Full Council start a little later next year. I unsuccessfully pointed out that employers are not required to afford elected Members unlimited time off, and do not have to pay them, so working Councillors might be limited in the number of meetings they could attend, and a later start would be helpful.
Parish council meetings are coming up, e.g. Selsey Town Council Wednesday evening, so check yours’ website.
Finally: -
As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.
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