It's Coming


Much of our District is rural, so having reliable transport (normally a car) is pretty much a necessity, whether for work, shopping, accessing healthcare or keeping in touch with friends and family. Unashamedly, therefore, I thought this article about the most and least reliable brands based on MOT tests may be of interest. I was amazed Honda were not in the top 10 because my British built Civic is amazingly reliable - click here to read it. 

Last week we reminded you that traders who are part of Chi's Wednesday General Market have decided to operate on just Saturday 24 December in the city centre. The regular Saturday traders’ market and Sunday car boot sale will continue to operate at the Cattle Market car park as usual. After Christmas, the next Farmers’ Market will take place in East Street and North Street on 20 January 2023.

The number of families with children under five who are living in fuel poverty will rise from 860,000 to 1,050,000 when changes announced in the autumn Budget kick in from April, the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, whose members include Save the Children and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, has estimated.

Jeremy Clarkson, meanwhile, believes food prices should double following his experience of running his own farm. That is going to trigger debate here because agriculture is one of our District’s economic generators, but at the same time has so many people struggling to survive. We mentioned last week that Foodbanks now have more going out than incoming donations.

Selsey's Full Up is asking people who want to book meals for the Christmas school holidays (19 - 23 December) to do so by Friday the 9th.

This week we are raising a different form of poverty with you: Age UK estimates that 40% of the over-75s don’t use the internet at all and are struggling to access basic services as a result. Two schools ago, I was teaching in Godalming in less-straightened times, and organised a partnership to help address this between my then school, elderly groups and IT providers. The Digital Poverty Alliance, estimate there are as many as 11 million people in the UK who are struggling to deal with the tech-only options that have become the new normal. 

WSCC report that some interesting views are coming in to their Climate Action Hub discussion topic on 'ways to reduce energy use in the home', including several on the merits of smart meters.

If you do not receive any other support and live in a Band A to D dwelling, you may be able to get some free insulation. 

There is a cautionary note if you use a hot water bottle to keep warm. 

If you rent from Hyde, this is their information about how they deal with damp, mould and condensation. 

Meanwhile Chidham is being commended as a place to visit to people in Hampshire. 

If you like a winter walk, how about trying one of these care of the National Trust in Sussex. 

And if you like local history, this recollection of the kingdom of Sussex is for you. 

Volunteers are needed to help WSCC run groups for Young Carers aged 11 to 16 in Crawley, Haywards Heath, Worthing, Bognor and Chichester one evening a week during term time. If you are interested to find out more, call Sussex Clubs for Young People on 01273 443563.

The old saying is that charity begins at home. The Little Launderette in Selsey are appealing for old dressing gowns so they can donate them to care homes to give to residents who have no family to help make them feel loved this Christmas. Please drop into them in the High Street. 

Last Saturday saw The Friends of Each Beach in Selsey stage their first event - it was a wonderful Christmas community get-together. Donna and I helped set up the group some months ago so it was wonderful to hear that they have ideas for further events next year.  We are looking forward to whatever they may come up with! Thanks must go to the group and other volunteers who made it happen.


Finally: - 

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

