If you want the rainbow...

It’s the second full week of 2023 already, which means that Blue Monday is only a week away. This is normally the day with the highest absence from work as post-Christmas blues, the longer wait many people have to be paid and dark, less inviting days take their toll. This year may sadly prove to be particularly heightened because of the cost of living crisis. 

Climate change is an increasing worry, and the extent to which it impacts on us all - the increasing intensity of rainfall is really affecting us on the peninsula.  An impact you may not be aware of, is on arable farming: wheat alone provides 20% of the calories we eat each day. There has been a wheat gene discovery that might offset the effects of a warming climate, which you can read about here,

If you have not heard, snow may be on the way (Tuesday?)

The heavy rainfall, I’ve just mentioned, that we have had in recent weeks is playing havoc with our local roads. On the Peninsula, there are more potholes and this winter we have had roads closed as well. On my travels, I have been affected by the closure of the road to Donnington from Sidlesham beyond Wophams Lane and the different closures on the lower route from Hunston to Bognor. You may have read that these are far from isolated which, let’s be honest, is little comfort when you drive through a new, deep, jarring pothole in the dark or have to reroute.

Apparently, these are the worst potholes in Sussex.

Report potholes here. 

Another concern caused by the heavy rainfall is the release of sewage on our beaches. Southern Water is responsible for the disposal of our local sewage, so we are looking forward to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on Tuesday because a representative is being questioned. As these have to be tabled in advance, I have asked what in concrete terms Southern Water plan to do about the outflows and by when, as well as what future proofing measures they are planning and what assurances they can give residents. In West Oxfordshire, campaigners are pressing for (and beginning to get) sewage upgrade conditions in permission for new developments because 100 new homes generate 30 extra tonnes of sewage

Chichester Harbour Trust has successfully bought two key sites to protect this area of outstanding natural beauty after running a massive fund-raising campaign.

There are two Full CDCs this month as well: the 24th is a Special Meeting to consider the Local Plan, followed a week later by the bi-monthly Ordinary Meeting. Donna will have a chance to comment on the proposals when the Development, Infrastructure and Planning panel meet ahead of the 24th.

CDC’s funding bid for £1m government funding has been approved. Last year CDC bid for a portion of the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to cover up to March 2025 in order to encourage economic growth and improve quality of life for people across the district. The spending plan, which was officially approved by the government just before Christmas, aims to boost the local economy; help local businesses grow and thrive; enable investment in community spaces; and reduce barriers to employment and education.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced more detail on the payment schedule for the next round of cost-of-living support. The £900 payment for over eight million eligible means-tested benefits claimants (including those on Universal Credit, Pension Credit and tax credits) starts in spring. Payments will go directly to bank accounts in three payments over the course of the financial year. There will also be a separate £150 for over six million disabled people and £300 for over eight million pensioners on top of their winter fuel payment. Payments will be made automatically if individuals are eligible and there will be no need to apply. Claimants who are eligible for any of the cost-of-living payments and receive tax credits, and no other means-tested benefits, will receive payment from HM Revenue and Customs shortly after DWP payments are issued.

West Sussex Youth Justice Service is looking for volunteers to support young people aged 10-17 years when they have been arrested and held in police custody. If you would like to find out more about what the role involves and how you could make a difference, please email volunteerunit@westsussex.gov.uk

Volunteering is just one way in which you can improve your wellbeing - these suggestions can also help.

@WestSussexMind are hosting activities on Time to Talk Day, February 2nd.

West Sussex Libraries  have launched a countywide reading challenge.

Staying with challenges, as it may soon be compulsory until students are 18, hw good is your Maths?

If you want to save money, without turning your heating down, this site may prove useful.

Another way to save money is to go out for a walk, luckily we have 2 great RSPB reserves in West Sussex including one on the Peninsula. 

Finally: - 

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

