Gracefully Does It
Please tell others, if you feel able, that you now need Photo ID to vote in person at the polling stations. If you welcome the Peninsula’s zero strategic housing allocations in CDC’s new Local Plan, and agree with the arguments we have been making since 2019 about the effects of climate change, overstretched infrastructure and the negative impact of inappropriate development on our tourism and agricultural dependent economy, please make your voice heard before March 17. Earlier today there was a national minute of silence for Ukraine, on the first anniversary of Russia's invasion. Whether you were able to join in or not, we hope you are able at some point to pause to remember them. We observed it at my school, which was particularly poignant because I had a refugee in my class. To illustrate the scale of displacement, as I work inside the M25, I pointed out it was roughly equal to the population of London. Regular readers will know we are very supportive of Selsey's Full U...