Gracefully Does It


Please tell others, if you feel able, that you now need Photo ID to vote in person at the polling stations.

If you welcome the Peninsula’s zero strategic housing allocations in CDC’s new Local Plan, and agree with the arguments we have been making since 2019 about the effects of climate change, overstretched infrastructure and the negative impact of inappropriate development on our tourism and agricultural dependent economy, please make your voice heard before March 17.

Earlier today there was a national minute of silence for Ukraine, on the first anniversary of Russia's invasion. Whether you were able to join in or not, we hope you are able at some point to pause to remember them. We observed it at my school, which was particularly poignant because I had a refugee in my class. To illustrate the scale of displacement, as I work inside the M25, I pointed out it was roughly equal to the population of London. 

Regular readers will know we are very supportive of Selsey's Full Up who try to ensure children are not hungry in school holidays, and our local food bank. This week Donna shared the latter's donation wish list, which is shower gel, toothpaste, tinned fruit & veg, bolognese sauce, tinned soup and biscuits. There is now a basket in Selsey's Asda.

Sadly there are a record number of households depending on them including NHS staff and teachers. 

Nutrition is key for us all, so it will be interesting to see what impact it may have on life expectancy particularly as scientists believe they have discovered the maximum age we can live to. 

What do you think of Chichester? I ask that because there are different views of the City, which may be linked to your experience of other places. We particularly notice the empty shops and worsening pavements. Donna’s Group at West Sussex tried for a budget amendment to ensure that the Chichester pavements would be improved, however, the amendment wasn’t passed. However, it has raised the issue and it is being looked into. Our District remains a popular tourist spot because of its mixture of history, beaches and countryside - plus we have a wide range of independent traders. Here are some related reads you may find interesting: - 

It's been a few weeks since we included a petition, so appropriately this one calls for the national political parties to end frozen pensions. 

You may also be interested in supporting the road safety charity, Brake.

Finally: - 

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

