
Showing posts from March, 2023

thinking of you

  Please remember that you now need Photo ID to vote in person at your polling station. If you do not have an acceptable form of ID you can get a free Voter ID Certificate from CDC or register for a postal vote.  As the closeness of May’s District elections means there is less to report from CDC, we will be sharing some insight into what is happening on the campaign trail because this election is vital for the Peninsula; CDC will begin work on the next Local Plan before 2027, and therefore we feel there must be Local Alliance Members on it to argue for no inappropriate development, backed by a majority on Selsey Town Council which, after the City, is our District's largest parish.  On Wednesday the official lists of candidates in every District and Parish ward will be published, so we will share what we are doing after that. Thanks again to those of you who have come forward to help us, we hope for an honest campaign focussed on our area’s future, the issues that matter,...

Something to Savour

Please remember that you now need Photo ID to vote in person at your polling station. If you do not have an acceptable form of ID you can get a free Voter ID Certificate from CDC or register for a postal vote.  On Monday, I have the last Corporate Governance and Audit Committee Meeting of this CDC. Tuesday was a busy day because Donna and I had a long, final Full CDC then we met with the Team to welcome our new members and decide what we are doing in May's elections. You may recall we delayed things because, pleasingly, more of you came forward to help ensure what we have achieved since 2019, is not undone. In particular, as the next CDC will during its term start work on the next Local Plan, we believe it is vital for the Peninsula that there continue to be Local Alliance Members to argue for no inappropriate development on the Peninsula. Returning to Tuesday’s Full CDC, last weekend Donna and I viewed a track in Birdham which was the subject of a potential Compulsory Purchase O...

Something to be grateful for

Our thoughts are with anyone affected by yesterday's fire at the Angel Hotel in Midhurst. Since 2019 Donna and I have found common ground with their District Councillor, a fellow Independent, and since her election to WSCC in 2021, Donna has found their County Councillor particularly supportive. We are hoping to soon decide what we are doing in May's elections, which is quite appropriate because most parishes like Selsey Town Council have held their final Full Council meetings - CDC’s is on Tuesday. You may recall we delayed things because, pleasingly, more of you have come forward to help ensure what we have achieved since 2019,  is not undone. We know that many of you hope we can stand more candidates than in 2019, particularly for CDC. Again, thank you to everyone who has been so encouraging. Having a solid majority on Selsey Town Council has given Donna and myself more influence at CDC, but we have had our defeats as well as victories. You may recall the votes of the Penins...

Putting a price on it

  Please remember that you now need Photo ID to vote in person at the polling station. If you do not have an acceptable form of ID you can get a free Voter ID Certificate from CDC or register for a postal vote.  Details in the link. You might also like to watch this video from CDC’s elections team.  If you welcome the Peninsula’s zero strategic housing allocations in CDC’s new Local Plan, and agree with the arguments we have been making since 2019 about the effects of climate change, overstretched infrastructure and the negative impact of inappropriate development on our tourism and agricultural dependent economy, please make your voice heard before March 17. Last week we shared some important information from WSCC because our county has a higher than average percentage of people aged over 50, and this figure is set to increase further in the coming years: - West Sussex Connect To Support is for anyone looking for support to maintain their independence, manage day-to-da...