If you want to get warm


The Summer holidays continue, so please remember: -

In the Autumn the Trussell Trust are seeking support for Step Up September 2023 and in October West Sussex Mind are holding a sponsored abseiling event.

If your children are like most others, they'll be spending more time online during the summer holiday than in term time - that's for entertainment, keeping in contact and chatting with friends, gaming and the many other things they use the internet for. GetSafeOnline has these tips for you. Many people of all ages use WhatsApp, Internet Matters has a useful guide to help you get to grips with the app and keep your child’s personal information private.

Although, as Alice Cooper memorably sang, "School's out for Summer" (except for results days & lesson prep) Councils are not. On Monday, Val was at CDC in the morning while Donna and I had training in the afternoon before she had the first meeting of the Joint Employees Consultative Panel and I met with Officers. On Wednesday morning Donna had CDC’s Development and Infrastructure Panel so I visited CDC’s depot where their vehicles are kept and discussed ideas to help our independent traders cut costs by reducing their Carbon footprint. I was shown the newly resurfaced yard which includes workshops, diesel storage, a lorry wash and an electric rubbish cart - steered on the rear axle! I was also shown a large diesel-powered contingency generator because, should East Pallant House suddenly become inoperable, there is spare networked office space and back-up servers so CDC can keep running essential services like Housing.

On Wednesday afternoon Donna had a meeting in Selsey Town Hall so I did some work on a new case, then in the evening we joined the team for an extra Full Selsey Town Council meeting to help progress the Changing Places disabled toilet at the Selsey Centre, followed by a meeting to finalise STC’s Business Plan. Donna also had a couple of meetings on Thursday whilst I began exploring the previous day’s ideas with CDC Officers. 

The level of ward work remains high as well. This week one of my cases has involved a complex planning objection, while one of Donna’s has involved the education of a child with significant needs.  Having said that we did get some R&R earlier in the week on the Isle of Wight (in-between phone calls and dealing with urgent messages), A tearoom we stopped at had a sign with a sobering message, "If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world." 

Donna wants to collect any final petition sheets about traffic calming measures in Manor Road, Selsey because she hopes to meet with an Officer there very soon to see what could, potentially, be done, given the extra impact of the Manor Gardens development and the new care home. She is in the process of getting some traffic data together, and we will report back when she has further news. This won't happen overnight, but we are making progress. Thanks to everyone who helped with/signed the petition.

As for the rest of the team, Mick and Val put the RNLI flags on poles early in the week ready to be hung in Selsey in time for Lifeboat Week with Andrew and Ian early Saturday morning. Meanwhile we have a growing suspicion Ali could end up in the Guinness Book of Records as the most trained Councillor in the UK because she is looking at doing more courses and has booked a place on a Budget Planning one. 

Works are due to start in Wellington Gardens, Selsey on Wednesday 9th of August until Saturday 6th of September for Footway Reconstruction. They are weather dependent and subject to change, but on the days work is being carried out, are likely to be in operation from 08:00 - 18:00..

Five of the larger Sussex beaches have been named amongst the hottest in the country based on sea temperature, which is good news for those of us living in Selsey, Bracklesham and the Witterings because of our proximity to Bognor which is amongst them. If you use air temperature though, West Wittering (& therefore Selsey & Bracklesham) comes third in the UK. Our more clement climate encourages many people to retire here, which may explain why we fare less well on this map of the UK's dementia hotspots.

In February 2023, CHaPRoN and three partner organisations successfully completed a saltmarsh restoration trial at West Itchenor. This was the first project to be delivered as part of the Solent Seascape Project – here is an update

In a recent survey 48% of respondents admitted to throwing items in the general waste bin because they were unsure if they could be recycled or not. WSCC is trying to help combat this by sharing a new animation series which explains what items can and can’t be recycled. It also shows what happens after your bin is collected and how recycling and waste is processed. Remember recycling should be:

  • CLEAN - free from food and drink leftovers - a quick rinse will often do.

  • DRY - keep your recycling bin lid shut – soggy paper and cardboard can’t be recycled and can stick to other items or clog up machinery when sorted.

  • LOOSE – not tied up in plastic bags, as the machinery cannot sort these.

Here's an interesting question - are you being 'phubbed' or 'phubbing' someone off? A study into its effects on marriages has been carried out in Turkey, concluding the more you phub the less connected you are. If you feel you need to phub, this other article considers new social etiquettes and may make you smile. 'Phubbing' by the way, is the extent to which you use your mobile!

CDC has reintroduced neighbourhood notification letters, which are sent when a planning application is submitted that relates to a nearby property with an adjoining boundary. Depending on the site and nature of the application, a notice placed near the relevant property may also be used to make people aware that the application has been submitted. They of course were stopped during Covid. They have also introduced QR codes to neighbour notification letters, site notices, and decision notices in order to help customers navigate to the council’s online Planning Register. 

Finally: - 

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

