Summer, summer time

The Summer holidays have begun, so let’s start with some seasonal reminders: firstly beware of ticks and Lyme disease because activities in areas such as green spaces increase the risk of being bitten, which does not necessarily mean you will get Lyme disease but awareness and prompt removal is a good way to reduce risk. Don’t forget Love Parks Week 2023 runs from July 28 to August 6. Finally WSCC has lots of ideas for families to make the most of the sunny weather– without forking out a fortune and are taking bookings for their holiday activities and food programme which is free to eligible families.

Here are some budget sweetcorn recipes.

Full Up in Selsey are providing their holiday meals service once more: -

  • Monday 24th July - Thursday 27th July 

  • Monday 31st July - Thursday 3rd Aug 

  • Monday 7th Aug - Thursday 10th Aug

  • Monday 14th Aug & Tuesday 15th Aug 

Meals are provided hot or to heat at home. They will also be offering meals to be purchased. All funds go to support the children.

WSCC are seeking your feedback on: - 

You are also invited to share your thoughts about what could replace the former Shop mobility service in Chichester

Donna and I went to the Tenchley Manor Open Day earlier today, which was pretty much all I have managed this week because I had a minor operation on Tuesday so missed Full CDC - but was wonderfully looked after by our NHS staff; Steve, Val & Donna were there for the Meeting and a pre-briefing on progress with the new Local Plan which zeros Selsey and most of the Peninsula’s housing allocations. The meeting approved plans to refurbish toilets in Priory Park & Market Road, Chichester, East Beach, Selsey, and Bosham Lane, Bosham, based on a variety of information, including how often they are used and feedback from public and partners. The toilets in Tower Street, Chichester which Donna and I looked at, have severe structural and subsidence issues so it was decided to look further into options for demolition, the provision of a modern modular toilet and the reuse of the remainder of the site. It was also agreed to back the Westbourne Community Land Trust who will be building 12 affordable homes for local people to rent: six one-bed homes; four two-bed homes and two three-bed homes.

Other members of the Team, including Val and Donna, were in action on Wednesday for Selsey Town Council’s Personnel and Planning Committees. Donna also had Full WSCC earlier that day at which she asked a question regarding the 6.5 per cent pay increase agreed for teachers because the government is only meeting 3% of the increase. As a consequence, schools are having to do things like recruiting fewer teachers and increasing class sizes and contact time (which leaves less time for planning and marking, something parents and students understandably like to be done often and in depth.). 30% of teachers leave the profession within 5 years (workload is a significant factor) so Donna asked if West Sussex schools would be able to manage this situation with no detriment to our school children. The Cabinet member wasn't able to answer her question at the Meeting so she will follow it up.

Donna also spoke in favour of WSCC writing to the government to express concern about their new infrastructure levy (which would replace Section 106 agreements and Community Infrastructure Levy payments) because WSCC would no longer be a statutory consultee with regard to future planning developments. Members were worried that being reduced to a ‘third party’ failed to recognise WSCC is a key provider of infrastructure that is essential to economic health and social wellbeing, and if not formally involved in the process, would allow planning authorities to ignore their requests for funding contributions for new education facilities, new roads, public transport and active travel schemes – all things our growing communities need. There are also concerns that the levy would result in leaving communities with fewer new social and affordable homes and could impact negatively on housing delivery as a whole, which will affect future generations considerably.

If you enjoy doing something active for a good cause, the Trussell Trust are seeking your support by taking part in Step Up September 2023 and walking 30 minutes each day. (It is not the distance you travel, it’s the time you give.) You could also consider keeping Saturday 7 October free because West Sussex Mind are holding a sponsored abseiling event in partnership with Safe in Sussex. Participants will be given the chance to descend the chalk face of Peacehaven Cliffs, a lovely location with great views of the coastline.

Don't forget the benefits of a good diet. As this article explains, eating 30 different plants a week (which includes grains, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices) can boost the diversity and health of your gut microbiome and may also help other aspects of your health, like reducing unseen inflammation and oxidative damage. As our cells go about their day, they produce reactive molecules called free radicals. Although our bodies have mechanisms to make sure that these dangerous compounds don’t build up and cause damage, sometimes they can’t keep up and free radicals build up causing oxidative damage.

You may have heard of Dr Michael Mosley. The Bristol Post reported that he has revealed that scientific tests have shown that eating and drinking fermented foods can also help inflammation, reduce pain and aches and improve conditions like osteoarthritis. It can also boost your immune system and digestive system, and help us sleep better. You can find fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir in most supermarkets.

Feed is an independent charity aimed at supporting parents with compassionate science based infant feeding information: #bottlesboobsortubes. They have launched the Formula for Change campaign, which is calling on the UK Government to urgently review their infant formula legislation and give retailers the green light to accept loyalty points, grocery vouchers provided by foodbanks and local authorities, and store gift cards as payment for infant formula. Families who don’t have enough money to buy formula are often forced into unsafe infant feeding practices that put their babies’ health at risk, formula foraging, or even formula theft in order to access this vital food for their little ones. British retailers don’t allow families to buy formula using cash equivalent methods because of a belief it is prohibited by current law, something  that has been recently questioned. You can sign their petition here.

As the summer approaches, and at the start of the “six weeks” it is understandable to recall memorable holiday experiences. I came across this article about somewhere Donna and I visited a couple of summers ago, Avebury in Wiltshire, which is a lovely village. This summer we will be spending a couple of nights in, or near, Lavenham in Suffolk to see Donna’s favourite band, G4 - her birthday present. As the old song goes, the things we do for love.

Of course the Six Weeks of Summer are greatly anticipated by our local traders who, particularly in the current climate, welcome the tourism boost. At the same time they can be less welcomed by residents because our coastal spots are very popular and often seem overrun. If you have pets and are going away, or know someone who is, it would be wise to check here whether you are using day care, home boarding or kennels to make sure your provider is on CDC’s current animal register. If you are worried a business is unlicensed click here.

According to Disability Sport, over 750,000 children in the United Kingdom have some form of disability. This equates to 6% of all children. However, more recent statistics from the UK government suggest that the figure is actually around 9%. The most common impairments among children are social or behavioural (37%). Disabled children face a number of barriers. These include access to education, access to healthcare, social exclusion, financial barriers and physical accessibility. One common problem disabled children and their families face is being unable to access physical activities. Disabled children are often unable to join in with sports clubs and activities. 

Many people often presume that being physically disabled is the biggest problem with accessing activities. However, more than one-third of children who have a disability are affected socially or behaviourally. This includes conditions like ADHD or Autism. These children, though physically able to take part in regular sporting activities for children their own age, are often unable to due to their condition. Even when clubs are deemed to be inclusive, some children are still not able to access the activities. Read more here.

Finally: - 

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe

