
It was Battle of Britain day today as Mick posted earlier: "Commemorating the 83rd anniversary of the Battle of Britain on this day which is Battle of Britain Day - "Never in the field of human conflict was so much been owed by so many to so few." 15 September 1940 was officially named Battle of Britain Day as it was the day when RAF Fighter Command claimed what proved to be a decisive victory over the German Luftwaffe." It is easy to forget how many airfields there were locally at the time, for instance every time I head up the B2145 I pass the site of RAF Selsey. 

I first started thinking about this week's blog last Saturday on the hottest day of the year, when I was sitting in a pub garden in Cowes drinking a large, heavily-iced Lemon and Lime. (Looking at the sea can be quite inspirational!) My youngest daughter came over with Donna and myself, so, for a change, we took the car to fit more in and I used the longer sailings to do some work. 

Our health is important to all of us, but so are those odd treats, which may be more frequent than we care to admit. Apparently, pasta, rice and potatoes could be good for you if you let them unlock resistant starch - learn more here. Something integral to my work as a teacher, and arguably as s Councillor, the Internet may also be good for our mental faculties. When you think about it (please forgive the pun), there is a wealth of information on the net and it unlocks greater human contact, so this article's conclusions are less surprising

WSCC are reminding us that Gro Health, the free weight management app for West Sussex, is offering an Autumn Refresh Challenge if you are looking to start your health and weight loss journey. Running throughout September, it offers support from a community of like-minded people and expert health coaches. There are on-demand fitness classes, ‘cookalongs’ and masterclasses covering a range of topics including combating weight stigma and managing hunger. In addition, 1 to 1 coaching and weekly community virtual meet-ups will help keep you on track. Gro Health is free for 12 months to anyone who is over 18, lives or works in West Sussex or is registered with a GP in the county, and has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 to 40.

If you’re struggling with your own mental health or are worried about someone else, there is plenty of support available in West Sussex. World Mental Health Day is on 10 October and WSCC are highlighting a number of services and organisations that can help. For information and tips on maintaining good mental health, advice on what to do if you or someone else is struggling and what to do in a crisis visit NHS Every Mind Matters or West Sussex Mind. Support for children and young people is available at Your Mind Matters. 

For urgent support:

  • Samaritans: call 116 123.

  • Sussex Mental Healthline: call 0800 0309 500.

  • NHS: call 111 (select option 2 for mental health).

  • Or text the word SUSSEX to 85258 (NHS Sussex Partnership).

Before moving on from health matters, your pillow might help you detect an early symptom of cancer

This week saw several Meetings, particularly for Donna, which included an update on the Southern Gateway project, CDC’s Cabinet (who approved the repair of the wooden ramp on Selsey's East Beach) and chairing CDC's Overview & Scrutiny Committee. She also had Health & Social Care at West Sussex, which she finds very interesting as this has always been her passion. She spoke on a few issues, including assessments and reablement facilities. The latter is a big issue and is the subject of a review regarding capacity - you may recall that Marjorie Cobby in Selsey provided this service at one time. We have always felt that the capacity for reablement/intermediate beds was, and is, insufficient, so this needs to be addressed. The Care & Quality Commission is now undertaking inspections of Health and Social Care delivery following 5 pilot studies, so West Sussex is preparing for this. As ever, lobbying of the Government to appropriately fund Social Care continues, to enable efficient forward planning.

Steve meanwhile had CDC's Parking Forum, which Val sat in on, and I had a briefing with CDC’s Chief Executive about the Local Plan before it comes before Donna and our Green Colleague Sarah at the Development Planning and Infrastructure Panel on Wednesday. I also had an extremely late one on Thursday because of my school's annual Presentation Evening, which was the day after Full Selsey Town Council for the whole Team. It included discussion of the possible removal by CDC of redundant sea rings on Selsey’s Sea Wall, a working beach and not a Public Right of Way. The decision was to ask CDC to leave them in place, redundant or not, to protect our fishing heritage. 

This coming week, there is CDC’s bi-annual All Parishes Meeting on Monday which will involve Andrew as Chair of Selsey Town Council, while, as District Councillors, Val, Steve, Donna and I are invited in an observatory capacity.  Andrew, Ian, Donna and I also have an STC Personnel Committee Meeting ahead of STC’s next Planning Meeting on Wednesday, which Ian Chairs. At this point I should give you advance warning that the next Full CDC can be watched live on Tuesday the 26th.

The average household could be losing hundreds of pounds each year because their property isn’t energy efficient, so CDC are keen we are aware of the different schemes available that could help us improve the energy efficiency of our homes.  They are working with partners to promote some of the following grants - you may receive a letter through the post from their partners with information so look out for the CDC logo to check it is genuine: -

With the cost of cars increasing and finances being stretched due to the cost of living, many are searching online for a bargain vehicle. WSCC are urging those who are looking for second-hand vehicles online to beware of scams after a scandalous rise in fraud cases, as buyers part with their cash and end up paying for cars that don’t exist. There are many different car-buying scams out there and Get Safe Online has some tips on their website provided by the Vehicle Safe Trading Advisory Group (VSTAG), to protect yourself, and your family, from falling victim to vehicle scams.

If you have an Under-5 you may be aware that from a very young age, children are being introduced to the digital world and it has become a familiar sight to see pre-school children navigating their way around a smartphone or tablet. With Ofcom's latest ‘Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes' report showing that 1 in 5 children aged 3-4 have their own tablet and 30% of parents of 3-4 year olds finding it hard to control their child’s screen time, this leaves children under the age of 5 exposed to a number of risks, including:

  • What they may see online.

  • Who they may make contact with online.

  • How they may behave online, including demonstrating risky behaviours.

It is therefore vitally important that young children’s online activity is closely monitored and that they are shown how to stay safe online. To do this, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) has a range of strategies you can use to improve your child’s online experience.

The City Sounds music festival is returning to the City on Saturday 25 November, following its success in March of this year. The festival will take place across eight venues and will offer a venue for under 18s.  Bands and artists that wish to take part are being encouraged to fill in an application form at: by 30 September. The organisers are also planning to work with students from Chichester College and the University of Chichester who want to kick start their music career.  

People will be able to follow a musical map of the city and soak up the original sounds of local musicians at a variety of venues from midday until 10pm.  The under 18s stage will kick start the celebrations at Franco Manca at midday, which will focus on emerging talent in an age group that rarely gets to be involved in festivals. Then, from 5pm people will be able to listen to artists and bands in The Escapist, The Fountain, Trents, George and Dragon, Little Monster Tap, the Hole In The Wall and Havana.

Please remember, you are being asked for your views on the information that applicants must provide CDC in support of their planning applications. This is set out in the Local List and applies to planning applications in our District, but not those inside the South Downs National Park (SDNP), which has its own list overseen by the SDNP Authority. 

The Local List is used to determine the validity of each planning application received by CDC and includes mandatory national requirements and any additional information regarded as reasonably necessary to enable CDC to determine an application. Each local authority has to publish its Local List and review it every two years to take account of any changes in national and local planning policies. CDC’s Planning Committee has approved the revised Local List to go out for consultation then they will review the updated document after the consultation closes on October 12.

The West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service is offering free electric blanket testing sessions this autumn. Last year almost 40% of the blankets tested were found to be defective. Faulty electric blankets are a common cause of fire in the home. Testing is recommended for blankets more than two years old. Blankets over 10 years old should be replaced. The nearest session will take place between 9.30am and 4.30pm on October 3 in The Studio, New Park Centre, Chichester, PO19 7XY. So book an appointment by calling: 0345 872 9719.

Finally: - 

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

