September 29th, 2023


Since becoming the Official Opposition at CDC in May, we have operated as a 'critical' and 'constructive' friend, because of the Liberal Democrats large mandate. Donna is currently pressing the Police & Crime Commissioner to appear before the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which she Chairs as we technically lead the opposition. Unfortunately Katy Bourne has now cancelled twice, but Donna is hopeful for January. At the Full CDC on Tuesday I successfully amended the wording to improve a motion protesting about the closure of railway station ticket offices:

Council requests: - 

  1. The Leader writes to the Secretary of State for Transport and the Chief Executive of the Rail Delivery Group, as well as Southern Railway, to express this Council’s opposition to the possible closures of staffed rail ticket offices, particularly at Chichester, Bosham and Southbourne stations. 

  1. The Overview & Scrutiny Committe invites representatives from Southern Railway to attend a meeting (as soon as is possible) to discuss future plans for ticket offices and staffing at the above stations. 

I was joined by Steve, Val and our Green colleague Tim Young. We missed Sarah, our other Green colleague, who has a family illness, and Donna, who was supporting our daughter, as she begins her four year Masters in Nursing at the University of Southampton. In the absence of the new Liberal Democrat Leader, Adrian Moss, I asked his Deputy, Jonathan Brown, this question  after I read this article last weekend:

“The Guardian newspaper revealed at the weekend that in some parts of England nearly a third of Category 1 life or death 999 calls are not attended by a fully qualified paramedic. Their Freedom of Information requests suggest that the East Midlands fares most badly at 32%. Does the Leader agree with his party’s health spokesperson that this is deeply worrying, and would he on behalf of this Council undertake to find out the situation in our District?  

I am sure this would be welcomed by all our residents in view of our District’s rural nature and the appeal of retiring by the sea, something I know is common in Selsey and the wider Peninsula because many people holiday there and understandably fall in love with such a special place. “

We also agreed to accept funding from DeFRA for the extension of the Trees Outside Woodlands Project of £120,000 this financial year, and again in 2024/2025 to cover staff costs and expenditure on tree planting projects. I welcomed this because the Peninsula was once woodland, and many of you have warmly welcomed the opportunities the scheme has provided.

On Wednesday Donna had CDC*s Planning which considered applications in Sidlesham (deferred) and East Wittering (refused, in part because of Donna's advocacy as you can read here) - you can watch all CDC Meetings including next week's Planning Meeting live here. That evening, there is another Full Selsey Town Council meeting at 7.30pm in Selsey Town Hall to conclude the Business Plan, consider a couple of grant applications, and debate a Notice of Motion submitted by Donna and me. 

As some of you will be aware, we had a family bereavement on Wednesday evening, and I wish to thank you all for your kind messages. In the morning I learnt my father was in hospital and went to see him after school. Although he seemed in good spirits, and shared memories with me, that evening things deteriorated very suddenly, and he passed shortly after 9pm. As a clergyman, he had a very strong faith, so death held no concern for him, and he would have said that he was blessed to have left this world peacefully and quickly. 

For many years he made his own wine, and gave me a bottle of rhubarb on my birthday. Apparently, you can turn empty bottles into a bird feeder, which could be helpful with the winter months coming when they may find it harder to find food. My father developed myeloma some years ago, and as his mobility declined, he spent more and more time at home in his garden enjoying the calm of nature and had several bird tables. 

We haven’t included a petition for a little while because we have had so much to share in recent weeks. It seems appropriate, therefore, that we should do so again and this one calls for more fairness in the clean up of rivers.

A public consultation has begun on the future of active travel in West Sussex. The proposals that are being put forward set out how WSCC can deliver improved walking, wheeling and cycling facilities across the county. They are seeking our feedback on two important documents related to the way that we travel:  

  • Their draft Active Travel Strategy, which sets out their vision and goals for active travel the next decade and beyond.  

  • Their draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), which identifies key locations where they want to invest in active travel.   

In last week’s blog we reminded you that the West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service is offering free electric blanket testing between 9.30am and 4.30pm on October 3 in The Studio, New Park Centre, Chichester, PO19 7XY. Book your appointment: 0345 872 9719.) STC Councillor Ali, posted:

"I cannot recommend this enough..I used their service in February this year. I didn't know how old our electric blanket was but I used it every day over the winter. They discovered it was 2009 and wrote it off, as it was potentially dangerous. I was so grateful. I'd no idea there was a safety timeline. Please use this service. It's all free."

Before moving on, here are some other reminders from last week: - 

  • World Mental Health Day is on 10 October. Amongst others, help can be sought from NHS Every Mind Matters and West Sussex Mind.

  • The City Sounds music festival is returns on Saturday 25 November. 

  • CDC”s Cross Market and More to the City from 10am on Sunday 15 October and Sunday 19 November and will include a range of artisans from the Love From Selsey group. 

Stonepillow’s Big Sleep Out 2923 is on October 14.

Stoptober is a 28-day stop smoking challenge that takes place every October. It is based on research that shows if you stop smoking for 28 days then you're five times more likely to successfully stop smoking for good. WSCC’s Public Health team is urging smokers planning to quit this Stoptober to prepare early and seek free support to have the best chance of quitting for good, e.g. from participating GP practices, pharmacies or via the West Sussex Wellbeing programme - a partnership between WSCC and the seven district and boroughs. Tim Eves, a 44-year-old from Rustington said his key motivation for quitting was his family: “I was on 20 cigarettes a day and had tried to quit before but without help. I never really thought I would be able to do it but with the fantastic support from Sally, a smoking cessation advisor at Horsham Wellbeing, I am now over three months smoke-free.”

Finally: - 

As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.

