September 20, 2024
Welcome to this week's blog. As always, thank you for sparing the time to have a read..
On Monday our Green colleague, Tim Young, had CDC’s Environment Panel. The same day there was WSCC’s Communities, Highways and Environment Panel which Donna’s Green and Independent Group have a seat on. Donna had WSCC’s Health and Social Care Committee. Next week Donna is Chairing the latest CDC Overview and Scrutiny Committee, so had a Briefing this afternoon. Watch CDC’s public meetings here.
After WSCC's Health and Social Care Committee Donna posted: -
“In Sussex, over 105,000 adults are living with diabetes, 57,275 live in West Sussex, where the total population is 885,000. 92 percent of people with diabetes, across East and West Sussex, have Type 2. 52,895 of those people live in West Sussex. While there are various issues impacting these figures, they represent a worrying trend. The meeting focused on the inequalities of access to technology for people with diabetes, across West Sussex as a whole, something NHS Sussex is addressing.
The other issue is the massive black hole we are looking at with regard to the funding of adult social care - currently well over 12 million pounds, with the possibility of a further 4 million. These funding gaps need addressing by central government; the situation West Sussex finds itself in, is common across the country and whilst reserves can be drawn upon, this isn't sustainable. There is no initial indication that the new government is assessing Councils' funding gaps, but, as ever, the committee supported lobbying government to address this very serious issue.“
Last week, we mentioned that. Crohn's and Colitis UK is calling on the UK Government to better support people with IBD. They have an open letter here. In a similar vein, scientists have uncovered a brain-gut connection that impairs immune defences during psychological stress.
The Vegan Market returns to the City on Sunday between 10am and 4pm. It features a range of stallholders offering a variety of products including vegan street food vendors, craft brewers, sustainable Chandler, ethical clothing and jewellery, and arts and crafts items.
The West Sussex Care Guide 2024/25 is now available. It supports a wide range of needs, including older adults requiring immediate care or planning for future needs, those considering long-term care options, and individuals looking to take proactive steps to maintain health and independence. It also offers guidance for adults with learning disabilities and their families seeking specialised services, as well as family members and caregivers navigating the complexities of adult social care.
This is Sepsis awareness month. There is no single sign or diagnostic test, and sepsis is indiscriminate: while it primarily affects very young children, older adults, and people with underlying health conditions, it can sometimes be triggered in those who are otherwise fit and healthy. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition.
How to spot sepsis in adults: Slurred speech or confusion, extreme shivering or muscle pain, passing no urine (in a day), severe breathlessness, skin mottled or discoloured
A child may have sepsis if they: Are breathing very fast, Have a ‘fit’ or convulsion, Look mottled, bluish, or pale – on darker pigmented skin, colour changes may show on the inside of the forearms or palms, Have a rash that does not fade when you press it, Are very lethargic or difficult to wake, Feel abnormally cold to touch
A child under 5 may have sepsis if they: Are not feeding, Are vomiting repeatedly, Have not passed urine for 12 hours
If you or another adult or child develop any of these signs, it is important to seek urgent medical attention. Call 111 or contact your GP if you are worried about an infection. Call 999 or visit A&E if you or another adult or child has one of the sepsis symptoms.
Many of us live by the coast, so may be interested to read that two Sussex beaches are the most photographed in the UK according to Instagram; regrettably, we can’t find out the total number of photos that are taken, which is a shame because Selsey has many photographers, some of whose work is used by the BBC.
This is the Arun & Chichester Food Partnership first Good Food Fortnight. There are over 70 different events and activities. The programme is now available and it runs from 20th September to 6th October. The Good Food Fortnight aims to celebrate local organisations that improve access to food and alleviate food poverty as well as encourage growing, cooking and eating together as a community. It will also spotlight food businesses that champion local, sustainable and affordable food and encourage conversations and action to improve our local food system.
Finally: -
As always, from the whole Team, stay safe.
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